I feel like Arjuna when it comes time to do my homework. Doing homework is not something I enjoy or look forward to. Arjuna needed to go to war against his friends and that is something he definitely did not enjoy or look forward to. However it was his duty do to so. Just as it is my duty to do my homework.
The message of the Bhagavad Gita was that sometimes you have to do things you do not want to because they are the right thing to do. In this case I did not want to do my homework however it was the right thing to do. The Bhagavad Gita also described that the Spirit of a person does not change between life and death. My Spirit does not change just because I did homework, if anything it improved my Spirit.
Today the idea of doing ones duty is more along the lines of following your heart and doing what will make you happy. Bhagavad Gita’s idea of doing ones duty would be doing what someone else told you. Modern day American culture focuses a lot on the individual and making sure every person is happy. The Bhagavad Gita focused more on doing what was right according to the Hindu gods.
This could be used as a tool of oppression because it could be told as a story of example. The gods told this man that going to war and killing your friends is okay so therefore it would be okay for others to do it too. If people start to believe that it is their duty to do the bidding of the gods, people in places of power could take advantage of that by saying that they get their power directly from the gods.